We are very grateful to everyone who has made a donation to support the school.
The majority of donations are to the LEH Bursary Fund, which goes from strength to strength. We are currently supporting 68 bursary students, with 43 on 100% bursaries, offering more pupils than ever the life changing opportunity of an LEH education.
There are a variety of ways to donate, so it’s easy for everyone to give what they can. Scroll down to explore the options.
The Development Office will always be pleased to answer any fundraising questions you may have or to receive offers of help.
make a donation online
To make a one-off donation securely online, please complete the details in the form below, which will then take you through to our payment gateway. If you would like to set up a regular payment, please visit our 1710 Society page here.
Your payment will be processed by our payment partner whose privacy notice can be found here. LEH School does not store any card details.
If you would like to make your donation via bank transfer, please use the Lady Eleanor Holles School bank account details below and add your name as a reference.
Barclays Bank plc, The Lady Eleanor Holles School
Sort Code: 20-47-23
Account number: 40344370
by post
To make a donation by cheque (made payable to ‘Lady Eleanor Holles School’) or to set up a Direct Debit, please complete and return the Donation Form below to the Development Office at LEH, Hanworth Road, Hampton TW12 3HF.
pledge a gift
Pledges of support can enable you to spread your gift over time whilst allowing the School to plan for the future. If you would like to make a donation in a number of instalments structured over multiple years, please contact us at the Development Office.
LEH is in the fortunate position of being able to attract and develop many talented young women. The existence of a well-funded bursary scheme not only ensures that this education is made available to a broader group of girls, but also ensures that a safety net is in place in the event that parents of existing pupils encounter unforeseen difficulties which would otherwise result in a talented and promising pupil having to leave the school. Mary Geraghty -LEH 1984-91