Join the 1710 Society and Transform a life
At LEH we are passionate about learning and believe strongly that access to first class teaching should be available to all, and not restricted by grammar school catchments, or to those who can afford it. This is what drives our work in support of the LEH Bursary Fund. Through the generosity of our LEH community, we can provide the gift of an LEH education to children who would thrive here, regardless of financial circumstances, creating a truly diverse environment which benefits every pupil.
It takes only a few minutes to lend your support – we invite you to join our 1710 Society and set up a regular gift to the LEH Bursary Fund. Members of our 1710 Society are invited to exclusive events throughout the year.
Demand is greater than ever for bursary places, and we are only able to help a small fraction of the deserving pupils who apply. We are dedicated to helping as many pupils as we can – please consider joining our 1710 Society and help us to transform a life today.
Thanks in part to generous donations from 1710 Society members
and others, this year we are currently supporting 68 students, with two thirds of these holding full bursaries. An LEH bursary not
only covers the fees of students throughout their time at LEH,
it also covers associated costs.
Making the world a better place
Allowing all children to thrive, regardless of financial means, has far reaching benefits to society. LEH Bursary holders have gone on to top universities and those who have graduated, on to become junior doctors, barristers, magistrates and hold key positions in politics, the arts and science. All are dedicated to passing on the benefits of the LEH education they received.
We are inviting you to join the 1710 Society today by setting up a regular gift. Please help us give more students the opportunity of a life changing education at this remarkable school.
Mrs Cole looks forward to welcoming 1710 Society members to special events throughout the School year.
If 120 people gave £17.10 a month, with gift aid, it would cover the cost of 1 new bursary student
If 100 people give £171 a month, with gift aid, it would cover the cost of 10 new bursary students
The Difference an leh bursary can make
Mrs Rowena Cole, Head Mistress chats to two Bursary students about the difference a Bursary has made to them.
We will acknowledge your donation as soon as we receive your first payment.
Thank you for your support.
There are no words to describe the impact that the school has had on me, so it must suffice to say that it made me who I am today.
georgia galton ayling - LEH 2006-2013