Aerial shot of LEH School Hampton
Three pupils walking up stairs smiling

We encourage all LEH families to actively participate in our school community in many ways. Your support is instrumental in fostering our school’s tradition of excellence. LEH students successfully balance outstanding scholarship with impressive achievements in sport and exciting creativity in the arts and beyond, and we rely on our parents and carers to support and encourage their daughters throughout their years at LEH.

Our aim is to ensure that LEH is a school full of opportunity, challenge and friendship; a place to take risks and become bold; a place to discover passions, talents and themselves; a place that nurtures remarkable women. We aim to make LEH as accessible as possible, and our Bursary Fund enables pupils from a range of backgrounds and experiences to come to LEH. This helps make our school the dynamic, inclusive and special school that it is today.

Your support of LEH ensures an exceptional experience for your daughters. We hope you take up some of the opportunities you have to become involved in the life of LEH. Your participation and generosity will make a difference not only to our students but to our entire school community. 

We're delighted to bring you our 'Thanks to You' video

We are incredibly proud of everything that we achieved together last year. For a small taster of all the amazing outreach and charitable activities you helped us to accomplish, please watch this short video.

4 LEH Students sat in Friends' Courtyard laughing

The Friends of LEH

A very warm welcome from The Friends of LEH, the school’s parent association. As soon as your daughter joins Lady Eleanor Holles School, you automatically become a member of the Friends.

Our aim is to enhance our daughter’s educational experience as much as to support and promote a vibrant community by running various social and fundraising events throughout the year. 

Read how you can get involved with The Friends of LEH

Meet the LEH Development and Alumnae Team

Director of Development and Communications: Lisa Day

Alumnae Officer: Susanna Frayn

Development Officer: Melanie Fripp

We’re here to answer your questions about fundraising and alumnae matters. Please contact us by email or by phone: 020 8979 1601


LEH School's Fundraising Promise

Fundraising Regulator logo

Charity Number 1130254

LEH is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and has agreed to abide by the terms set out in the Fundraising Promise below. 

The Fundraising Regulator's Code of Practice can be found here

Fundraising Promise        Fundraising Policy     Privacy Notice