Pastoral Care

Full cast performing on stage

Balancing mind, body and Soul

LEH is a welcoming, safe community where you will establish strong relationships, learning alongside other bright students. You’ll be inspired to achieve your academic, artistic and athletic potential, but it’s also essential that you are happy, well-adjusted and fulfilled. That’s why you’ll be supported through every success and failure: the good times and the not so good ones.
There’s always someone there to listen

Our Tutor Groups are small, with an average of just ten students in each and you’ll have the same Form Tutor throughout the two years you’re with us. They’ll be your mentor, someone you’ll meet with every day who’ll help you excel academically and nurture your individual talents. They’ll also oversee your UCAS application and support you to create a compelling personal statement.

Friendships that last a lifetime

Our year groups are close-knit and have a real sense of identity. The friendships you forge will form an essential support network in the years to come. Our House system encourages you to connect with students throughout the school, giving you the opportunity to become a mentor and role model for the younger pupils. You will be offered the chance to be trained as a Peer Mentor, to listen to and support others.

We make your health and wellbeing our priority

We have two School Nurses on site and you can refer yourself to our Counsellors at any time. Life Advice lessons, workshops and talks given by external speakers on a range of topics will enhance your knowledge and self-awareness, and provide you with a wellbeing toolkit of self -care skills. We support parents too, through our half termly Wellbeing Wednesday online lecture series. 

Student talking to teacher

Topics covered last year:

  • Stress management
  • Mindfulness training
  • Healthy eating
  • Personal safety
  • Mental health
  • Digital awareness
  • Self - esteem and body confidence
  • Sex and relationships
  • Substance misuse
  • Gender identity
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Female empowerment
We take online security very seriously

We have a dedicated Digital Safety Coordinator and a ‘Digital Mentor’ system that trains Sixth Formers to go into classes and talk to younger pupils about staying safe online.

You, and your parents, can talk to us

As well as timetabled meetings during the year, your parents can speak to the Head Mistress, Deputy Head Pastoral, Head of Sixth Form and Heads of Year whenever they have any concerns. You’ll find their contact details on My School Portal.

Pastoral care is excellent and highly successful, supporting the pupils' wellbeing, further enhanced by excellent arrangements to promote their welfare, health and safety. 

ISI Report, 2013

leh wellbeing toolkit

Here at LEH, wellbeing underpins everything we do. We understand that the relationship we have with ourselves is the most important – and longest – of our lives. That’s why we encourage our students to be mindful, tolerant, compassionate and kind. We provide a wide range of support with our students’ wellbeing, both in the curriculum and through our PSHE (Life Advice) programme. These, together with the small day-to-day things that makes LEH the happy place it is, foster an awareness of our students’ inner strength and resilience, and help them to realise that they have the tools to deal with life when it isn’t going to plan. Which happens to all of us at some time.

We have put together a Wellbeing Toolkit so that you can understand what we do and why we think it is important. I hope you enjoy reading it (click on cover image to view).

Rachel Hart - Head of PSHE