The Curriculum

Juniors in the library
4 junior students swimming underwater in LEH Pool
5 students in their winter uniform

In the Junior School, a broad, interesting and creative curriculum is thoughtfully designed to engage pupils in a wide range of exciting learning experiences taught by our team of dedicated Junior school teachers, and subject specialists in Science, French, Spanish, Music, Mindfulness and Physical Education. Digital technology plays an important part in learning and our pupils have access to class iPads, Apple TV and an exciting Computing curriculum taught by a specialist teacher. We are proud of our excellent facilities which include spacious, well-resourced classrooms, a science laboratory, a fun and safe play area, specialist Art and Design Technology studio, Library, Reading Room, Computing suite, Music rooms, Nature Garden and a giant Teepee. PE lessons take place in the Senior School Sports Hall and Activity Studio, on the playing fields, netball courts, tennis courts and in the swimming pool. 

our academic subjects include:
Art and Design Technology French Mindfulness (Y5) Religious Studies
Computing Geography Music Science
Drama History Personal Social & Health Education Spanish (Year 6)
English Mathematics Physical Education  


out of the classroom

Exciting and engaging lessons are complemented by educational visits, workshops, themed days and visiting speakers. 



  • Animation Day

  • Visit to Hampton Court
  • Inter Faith Week
  • Visiting authors
  • Visit to Butser Farm
  • PGL or similar residential trips
  • Online Safety workshops
  • Raising Resilience workshops
  • Wellbeing Day
  • Young Shakespeare workshops
  • Gamelan workshops
  • Drama Production Weeks
  • Problem - Solving workshops
  • Team Building Day
  • Global Play Day
  • Science Week
  • Maths Week
  • Book Fair
  • Bikeability
  • Arts Festival
  • Winchester Science Museum

educational events


We encourage our pupils to embrace everything the Junior School has to offer. Whether pupils are developing their talents, finding new hobbies or enjoying time meeting and making new friends, our varied and exciting extra-curricular programme keeps everyone busy!

And there is something on offer for everyone at LEH, whether it is music, sport, chess, Karate, Ecology, Rock Stars, yoga, crochet, Cookery and Think Club to name but a few! Our extra- curricular programme is a popular and important part of life at LEH Junior School.

Extra-curricular activities run at lunchtimes and after school and are led by our own teachers as well as visiting coaches and specialists. Full details of all our activities can be found in the Extra-curricular Club booklet.


A wide variety of instruments are taught by our team of dedicated Visiting Music Teachers. Instrumental lessons offered include piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, double bass, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French Horn, harp, guitar, singing and percussion.

Many pupils take Associated Board instrumental exams and a good proportion of instrumentalists play in school ensembles.