The Creative Arts
Drama is an exciting and integral part of life at school. As well as having lots of fun in class and on stage, drama lessons, productions, enrichment and extra-curricular activities provide our pupils with the opportunity to improve their self-confidence, teamwork and communication skills.
Pupils in the Junior School enjoy weekly drama lessons and our Trinity Speech and Drama lessons and Musical Theatre and Drama clubs are also very popular.
Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities for our pupils to perform on stage and showcase their skills and talents including Family Assemblies and specialist workshops which bring Shakespeare and performance poetry to life.
In Upper 1 (Year 4) and Upper 2 (Year 6) the pupils take part in a Drama Week, an off-timetable week of drama culminating in a fantastic production showcase, organised and directed by our specialist Speech and Drama teacher. Recent performances include The Greatest Show, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Kitty Whittington and Snow White and the Sevens Dwarfs.
Our ambitious and busy Music Department provides a wide range of musical opportunities for all, through our curricular, extra-curricular and enrichment programmes. All pupils have Music timetabled on a weekly basis and our pupils are encouraged to either learn an instrument and/or sing in the choirs. All Form 1 (Year 3) pupils currently take part in our brass workshop programme, in which they all learn the trumpet for a term and the trombone for a term in half classes. A wide variety of instruments are taught by our team of dedicated Visiting Music Teachers. Instrumental lessons offered include piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, double bass saxophone, trumpet, trombone, French Horn, harp, guitar, singing and percussion.
Many pupils take Associated Board instrumental exams and a good proportion of instrumentalists play in school ensembles. Our concerts and assemblies throughout the year enable our pupils to have their time under the spotlight. Friends and family are always welcome to attend.
As part of our expansive enrichment programme, the focus in music reflects our diverse community, enabling pupils to experience a broad range of musical genres and instruments whilst including more contemporary ways for pupils to compose and perform music. In addition to the annual Carol Service and Arts Festival, pupils enjoy the opportunity to perform in the local community. We foster links with local residential homes and a local state school to broaden the children’s experience.