Pastoral Care

Juniors in the library
4 junior students swimming underwater in LEH Pool
5 students in their winter uniform
We strive to provide a nurturing environment in which our pupils are happy, well-adjusted and fulfilled. That’s why we’re here with her through every success and failure, the highs and the lows.

Making time to listen to pupils as well as time for pupils to talk are an important part of our daily and weekly routine. The friendly face of a form teacher greets every pupil as they go into their class every morning to start their day together. Our quick wellbeing surveys each Monday morning are a useful way for teachers to check how everyone is feeling and whether they would welcome an opportunity to chat. Our Wellbeing Wednesday form times, designed in partnership with the Raising Resilience team of psychologists, are an opportunity to practise their BOUNCE skills. Through these, pupils learn how to navigate their way through their emotions and develop resilience, while ‘Paint and Chat’ sessions at break provide space and time to talk. Pupils learn that their feelings matter, that they are valued and are confident to raise small concerns before they become big worries.  Lower 2 (Year 5) pupils also take part in a ten-week Mindfulness programme in order to help them further develop tools to aid calm and inner peace when faced with challenging situations.

Once a year, the whole school comes off timetable to celebrate Wellbeing Day, which aims to help pupils to find balance and fulfilment in their sometimes-hectic lives by teaching how their bodies and minds function. During Wellbeing Day pupils (and staff) participate in activities such as feet painting, marble runs, mindful colouring, bead making, Lego building and clay sculpting. Outdoor events include visiting farm animals, gardening, giant bubbles, dog walking and parachute games.

A comprehensive PSHE and Relationships curriculum prepares pupils to develop and grow up into independent, responsible members of society with a respect for others and an understanding of the world we live in.  As a through school, we ensure our Upper 2 (Year 6) pupils move to our Senior School with skills and core values that enable them to embark on the next stage of their school-life confidently. The ISI inspectors agreed: “Junior School pupils are encouraged to face challenges, to strive to improve and to work things out for themselves.  They learn to understand themselves, to know their strengths and weaknesses and are well-prepared for the next stage of their lives.”

At LEH, the sense of community is palpable. Younger pupils settle in quickly and value the relationships they have with their ‘School Big Sisters’. Pupils of all ages enjoy taking on meaningful responsibilities such as being elected for School Council or Eco Squad. Upper 2 (Year 6) pupils are trained to be Peer Mentors and support other children where needed at lunch and break times. Upper 2 (Year 6) Cyber mentors and digital leaders can also advise and support other pupils who have worries about online safety and use of social media. 

We have a school nurse based in the Junior School who is on hand to deal with bumps and bruises, administer medication or give advice. Our school nurse gives great hugs and is a helping hand! We have a school counsellor on-hand should any of the pupils in our care need that extra bit of support to help them through any difficulties.

House system

Our House System encourages fun, friendly competition, co-operation and teamwork. The Junior School is divided into four houses: Burlington, Hackney, St Giles and Summerleigh. On an individual basis, pupils are awarded merits for good manners, kindness, good behaviour, effort and good work and pupils enjoy receiving Bronze, Silver or Gold merit certificates. At the end of the year, the House with the most merits is awarded the House Cup. Throughout the year our pupils participate in ‘House’ events which include House Assemblies, House Netball, Inter-House Swimming Galas, Inter-House Tennis and Sports Day.


Kindness runs throughout school life. It encourages positivity and compassion for others. Our children regularly receive awards for their kindness alongside awards for achievement in their studies. We were proud that the ISI noted: “An ethos of kindness and social awareness percolates throughout the school.”  It added: “Junior School pupils expressed the view that the most important things in life are enjoyment, good health, happiness, family, good education and kindness.” 

we are good communicators with parents

At LEH we recognise that parents and guardians are crucial to pupils’ health and wellbeing, learning and achievement. Good relationships and communication between the school and our parents are developed through:
  • Weekly newsletters
  • Parents’ Evenings
  • Parents’ Information Evenings (e.g. Maths, English, PSHE) and workshops
  • Welcome Evenings
  • Curriculum booklet
  • The Friends of LEH school community events and activities
  • Information on the school website, social media and Parent Portal
  • Reporting to parents about children’s personal development through formal and informal means
  • Parent talks and workshops such as Raising Resilience workshops and Parent Practice talks for parents on relevant topics such as Sleep, helping children develop positive friendships, sibling rivalry and the transition to Senior School
  • Parents are made to feel welcome in the school at celebrations of work and achievement, assemblies, concerts, sporting and drama events
  • Parents are encouraged to be volunteers on school visits and share expertise in the classroom and assemblies

If parents have concerns or worries they are encouraged to talk to their daughter’s Form Teacher, followed by the Deputy Head or Head of Junior School if necessary. Parents should feel able to share concerns about home circumstances or medical matters that might affect their child’s work or behaviour in school. Parents may wish to discuss health and medical matters with the school nurse.

settling into Form 1 (year 3)

Joining a new school can be an exciting but daunting experience for young children, so at LEH we like to make that extra special effort to make the move a smooth and happy transition. 

On the first day of term, we invite the new Form 1’s into school the day before the rest of the Junior School returns. This gives the new pupils a chance to find their feet, get to know their teachers and find their way around whilst the school environment is quieter.

During your daughter's first week with us she will be given a 'Big Sister', an Upper 2 (Year 6) pupil who will be a friendly, knowledgeable mentor. She will have lunch with her regularly to begin with and take part in lunches, reading sessions and other 'Big Sister' activities throughout the year. Her 'Big Sister' will keep a very close eye out for her around the school and particularly at break and lunch times to make sure she is happy and that she knows where she is going; this can take a little time. 

Starting to build their friendships

In the first few days your daughter will also have the chance to take part in a 'Team Building Day'. It is a day where she can really get to know the other pupils in her class and the year group whilst focusing on skills such as planning, communication, working together and perseverance, with fun at the heart of every activity.

Your daughter's Form Teachers, the Head of Junior School and Deputy Head give all the new Form 1 pupils plenty of help and support, not only through our comprehensive PSHE curriculum and wellbeing programme, but also by developing strong positive relationships. This way she can make the most of the fabulous learning opportunities on offer at LEH.

giving and getting involved

At LEH we want our pupils to become good global citizens with an understanding and awareness of the local community and the world around them. We are fully committed to supporting local and national charities and in recent years have raised money for Children with Cancer UK, NSPCC, World Wildlife Fund, Friends of the Earth and Macmillian Cancer Support. 

Every year our pupils help to organise and take part in fundraising events such as cake sales, raffles, craft sales, dress up days and a sponsored swim to name but a few!

The school day

Pupils travel to the Junior School from a wide catchment area, and many use the school coach network. 

Breakfast is available as an optional extra at the Junior School from 7.30am and school starts at 8.45 am.

There is an Assembly on Monday and Fridays and throughout the week, girls also have Form Time sessions and Hymn Practice. There are two recess periods each day during which the pupils may play sports, attend clubs, enjoy the play equipment or just have fun playing and chatting. School lunch is self-service, and there is a wide and varied choice of food.

The school day ends at 3.40pm for F1 and U1 pupils (Year 3 & 4) and at 3.50pm for L2 and U2 pupils (Years 5 & 6).

After school care is available in 'Tea and Prep' until 6.00pm (5pm on Fridays) at extra cost. Pupils can complete their homework and have a light tea in a supervised and secure environment. 

Coach Network


Our expectation is that all pupils join us in Year 3 and stay with us right until the end of Sixth Form. At the end of Year 6 the vast majority of pupils transfer to the Senior School.  The Junior School is situated on the same 24 acre site as the Senior School and during your daughter’s time in the Junior School, she will use facilities in the Senior School and will get to know some of the Senior School teachers; a useful introduction to life in the Seniors. During the Summer Term of Upper 2 (Year 6), pupils take part in a detailed PSHE and wellbeing programme about moving up to Senior School and the challenges it involves. Support for parents is also provided at this stage in the form of a parent talk about how to help prepare your child for the transition to Senior School. This is normally given by an external speaker such as the Raising Resilience team of psychologists.

Parents all have an opportunity to view the Senior School as prospective parents, and we invite Junior School parents into the Senior School to become familiar and comfortable with what we hope will be your daughter’s future School.

Junior pupils in Science lesson during day at Senior school
  • Parents of pupils in Year 3 and 4 are invited to visit the Senior School for a tour with Year 8 pupils, giving you the chance to see the Senior School in action.
  • In the Summer term of Year 5, parents are invited to attend a special Open Morning consisting of a talk from Head Mistress Mrs Cole and a tour of the school.
  • Also in the Summer term of Year 5, pupils spend a day as a Senior School pupil, having a chance to get a feel for life in the Senior School.

Stepping up to Thirds (year 7)

To ease the nerves of transitioning to Senior School, in the summer term of Upper 2 (Year 6) we invite all Junior School pupils joining in the following September (including pupils joining from external schools) for ‘Moving up day’, spending the day with their new Form Tutor and classmates, whilst participating in lots of fun activities.
Come September, on the first day of term, we invite just the new Thirds into school the day before the rest of the Senior School returns. This gives the new pupils a chance to settle in and find their way around whilst the school environment is quieter.

There is also the exciting option to take part in a residential Team-Building weekend during the Autumn term for the entire Thirds year group. This is a fantastic opportunity to make new friends across the year group and learn the true meaning of team-work.

Moving On Up!

Knowing the move from Junior to Senior School is a big step, Mrs Mortimer (Head of Junior School) & Mrs Sinnett (Head of Middle School) share their advice for ensuring a smoother transition from Junior to Senior School. Click here to read more.



3 students walking into LEH School


LEH Wellbeing Toolkit

Wellbeing is a core feature of our PSHE programme where children undertake learning experiences which help them navigate their way through their world and to develop positive relationships with themselves and others. Within school, pupils know there is always someone for them to talk to about anything which is worrying them or if they are worried about a friend.

We have put together our Wellbeing Toolkit so that you can understand what we do and why we think it is important, and how this continues when puils transition to the Senior School.

Please click on the cover to view.