Scholarships and Exhibitions

Swimming underwater in LEH Pool
Sixth Form Chemist checking test tube contents

LEH offers Scholarships and Exhibitions for pupils hoping to enter the School at the ages of entry of 11+ and 16+.

There are no Scholarships awarded for entry into the Junior School. The number of awards in any particular year is at the discretion of the Head Mistress. A Scholarship or Exhibition is a recognition of exceptional ability and promise. It is possible to apply for a means-tested bursary alongside a scholarship award.

The bestowal of any award carries with it privilege and responsibility. Every award holder is expected to set an example to other pupils in their approach to life at school and their area of specialism in particular. Awards at 11+ and 16+ are reviewed annually. The review will consider the progress of award holders in their chosen field of expertise and whether the holder continues enthusiastically to fulfil the obligations associated with the award.


What is the difference between a Scholarship, an Exhibition and a Bursary?

Scholarships and Exhibitions are not means-tested, unlike Bursaries, which are.  You can hold both a scholarship and a bursary if your family’s financial situation meets the bursary criteria. All Scholarship and Exhibition awards offer a financial discount against the basic termly tuition fee, of the percentages given below.


Scholarships are awarded in the Senior School as follows:

  Academic Music Scholarship Music Exhibition Art Drama Sport STEM
Entry into Third Form (Year 7) Yes Yes Yes _ _ _ _
Entry into Sixth Form (Year 12) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes * Yes
Value of Scholarship/Exhibition 10% 10% 7.5% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Maximum awards per year? ** ** ** 1 1 Up to 2 1

*The Sixth Form Sport Scholarship is only available to pupils already studying at LEH prior to entry into the Sixth Form.

**The number of awards available is at the discretion of the Head Mistress.