Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)
The school aims to help every child achieve her full potential, and so is keen to identify any special educational needs as soon as possible in a pupil's school career. There is a screening programme for all new entrants to the school and follow-up help in terms of learning support and further assessment is offered, if necessary, by the school's Learning Support Consultant. Most needs at LEH relate to mild cases of dyslexia and dyspraxia. Every effort is made to ensure that all pupils are adequately supported in all areas of school life.
There are some girls in the school for whom English is not the first language, i.e. the language spoken at home. Help may be given in school or, if considered necessary, outside tuition to improve language levels may be suggested to parents.
If parents have any concerns, they should contact the SEND co-ordinator for Junior School matters and the Head of Learning Support for Senior School matters via the School Reception.
In the case of a prospective pupil with a statement, the school would approach their needs in a positive manner, and seek to make all reasonable adjustments.
Please view LDD policy (including SEN) for Junior School below:
LDD (including SEN) (Junior School)