11+ Application Process:
If you are applying for a Music Scholarship for entry into the Third Form (Year 7) you should tick the appropriate box in our on-line application form and fill in the required details. This should be submitted by the application deadline.
Parents of girls moving from LEH Junior School to Senior School will receive a communication in the summer term of Lower 2 with details of how to apply for a Music Scholarship and the application deadline.
16+ Application Process:
If you are applying for a Music Scholarship for entry into the Sixth Form (Year 12) you should tick the appropriate box in our on-line application form and fill in the appropriate details. This should be submitted by the application deadline.
If you are a parent of an existing LEH pupil moving into the Sixth Form, you will receive a letter from Mrs Cole in the autumn term of Upper 5 asking if your daughter wishes to apply for any of the Sixth Form scholarships. If you would like your daughter to be considered for a Music Scholarship, you should complete and return the Sixth Form Scholarships form by the given deadline.
Open to:
To apply for a Music Scholarship at Third Form (11+), you should generally have a minimum of a Grade 5 Distinction or equivalent. If piano is the only instrument offered, candidates must be of Grade 8 Distinction level as Music Scholarships are typically for orchestral or jazz instruments and singers. Applicants with considerable potential who have been learning an instrument for only a short time should not be deterred from making an application. In addition, the Music Department is looking for talented young players with good aural and sight reading ability.
To apply for a Music Scholarship in the Sixth Form, you are expected to have the minimum of a Grade 7 Distinction or equivalent. The school is looking for musicians who, although they may not be intending to study Music at A level, are able to make a serious commitment to the Music Department.
What do I need to prepare for my Music Audition?
Entry in to the Third Form (Year 7): As a shortlisted candidate, you will be expected to play one or two contrasting pieces (not exceeding 5 minutes in total) on your first instrument. If you are offering a second instrument, you should prepare a short piece of no more than 3 minutes on that instrument. If more than two instruments are offered, please prepare a short piece of 2 minutes on all instruments. Auditions are held towards the end of January and should last no more than 20 minutes.
Entry into the Sixth Form (Year 12): As a shortlisted candidate, you should prepare one or two pieces of approximately 5 minutes duration in total on your first instrument and a short piece, no more than 3 minutes, for a second and third instrument if appropriate. Auditions are held towards the end of November and should last approximately 20 minutes.
What happens on the day?
The first ten minutes of your audition will be for warming-up and rehearsal purposes. There will be a room set aside for this. During your audition you will perform your prepared pieces (details above) and participate in sight-reading, some brief aural tests and a short interview. You may be asked to talk about the context of your pieces.
If you require an accompanist, you are welcome to bring your own. Alternatively, one of our professional accompanists is also available for the audition. They will rehearse with you immediately before your audition.
Expectations of a Music Scholar
We expect a Music Scholar:
- To commit to the major school music groups relevant to their instrument, as agreed with the Director of Music.
- To prioritise weekly music rehearsals and concerts for those groups at which they perform.
- To be an ambassador for the Music Department and to lead by example with enthusiasm and commitment to the department.
Music Scholars enjoy:
- Performing in a dedicated annual Chamber Concert, including a Scholars' Choir and Orchestra.
- The opportunity to play in assembly at least once a year.
- Participation in a chamber group with specialist coaching.
- Free tuition for one instrument from a teacher employed by the school.
Music Exhibitions Application process:
Music Exhibitions are awarded to applicants at 11+ and 16+ to recognise musical achievement that falls just short of scholarship standard. You do not need to apply separately to be considered for a Music Exhibition. The expectations and benefits enjoyed by the holder of a Music Exhibition are similar to those of a Music Scholar.
The Mitchell Music Scholarship
The Mitchell Music Scholarship may be offered by the school to a candidate and can be awarded in addition to a standard Music scholarship. The percentage of the tuition fee offered will vary as the Mitchell Music Scholarship is means-tested. Applicants will be asked to provide some limited financial disclosure in support of their application, in addition to meeting the entry requirements applying to other Music Scholarships described above.
click here to download music Scholarship information