Speech and Drama Results
  • Drama
  • Senior

The Summer Term was another outstanding one for Speech and Drama. Students were entered for Trinity College exams in groups, pairs and individually. Trinity offers a wide range of performance exams from acting, musical theatre, performance arts to communication skills.

Our students achieved some excellent results, with nearly all girls gaining high merit or distinction.

In communication skills, Behnoush and Ariana (LIVX) gained distinctions at Grade 3, Evie, Sunny, Ellie (all LIVX) Andrea (LIVY) and Wenyue (LIVL) were all awarded distinction at Grade 4, and Anna (UVS) Olivia (UVIB), Meredith (UVP) and Emily (UVP) gained their Grade 7s with distinction. Honor and Aneshka (UVIH) took their Diploma examinations as Associates of Trinity College London in Communication Skills.

Acting distinctions were gained by Bella (UVIX) and Hannah (UVIY) at Grade 8.  Sadie (UVIH), Holly (UVIG) and alumna Alice all excelled with Distinction in their Advanced Performance Certificates. The girls each presented a half hour programme of a range of performance material. Armorel (LIVY) achieved one of the highest scores with distinction at Grade 4.

Catherine (LIVX) and Maddie (LIVL) performed Musical Theatre material at Grade 4 and were given high merits.

And amongst our groups, Ana, Robyn, Anoushka and Veda (all in LVS) were given wonderful commendations for their imaginative devised piece, The Music Box at Grade 6.

Brilliant work girls! You always amaze us with your commitment despite your busy academic and extra-curricular timetables.


  • LEH Drama
  • senior