Junior students listening to story in the library
  • Enrichment
  • Junior

During National Story Telling week in February, Mrs Evans organised for the pupils to have the chance to come to the library to listen to a teacher read a story- just for fun!

On day one, Mrs Mortimer read Not now Bernard by David McKee and Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg. We all loved these school-themed poems!

Next, Mrs Deverson read Candy by Lavie Tidhar, about a city where chocolate and sweets have been banned. The characters were fun to read aloud and the girls giggled along! Ishika (UIK) liked the mystery involved!

On Tuesday Mrs Hide appealed to our animal-loving pupils and read Oscar, Cat-about-town. Oscar is a stray, taken in by James Herriot who quickly becomes fond of the cat’s extra-loud purr and affectionate manner. Sara (UIK) thought it was a fun book.

On Wednesday Mrs Yates read King Midas. Pippa (UIK) thought the bit where Midas had a visit from the barber was very funny!

Thursday was Mr Miller’s choice was George Speaks by Dick King-Smith. Manojña commented that the best bit was when Laura found out that her brother could speak!

On Friday Miss Evans read This Morning I met a Whale by Michael Morpurgo. Ashpreet thought the best bit was when Michael went to talk to the whale.

The girls loved listening to all the stories. What a treat! Many thanks to Mrs Evans for organising this for us.

  • LEH Juniors