GCSE Results Day 2020
  • Exam Results

What an extraordinary year this has been, and what a stressful and confusing exam season for all concerned. Following the debacle around A level Results Day, it’s a relief to be able to congratulate our GCSE students on achieving results from School, rather than ones allocated to them by an Ofqual algorithm!

Overall, a hugely impressive 95% of exams have been graded 7-9 (equivalent to A* or A). 84% of exams were graded 8 or 9, the highest percentage of A* equivalent grades ever: 57% at 9 and 27% at 8.

The pupils have worked hard over the past two years to achieve these outcomes, combining academic prowess with personal achievements in music, drama, sport and other extra-curricular activities. I hope they will continue to enjoy this balance during their A level years at LEH, when they will have plenty of opportunity to develop their skills in many areas, including leadership, community service, Young Enterprise and Senior Café talks, to name a few. Certainly the most exciting part of their LEH experience lies ahead of them and we look forward to welcoming them back to school in September.

Many congratulations once again to every student on their results, and many thanks to our dedicated and hardworking staff and supportive parents who have helped them achieve their goals. We are very proud of you all!


Photo: U5 on their last day in school in March

  • LEH School