LEH News and Blogs
There is always something remarkable going on at LEH School. Read all the latest news from LEH students, staff and alumnae here.
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- All
- Adventure Society
- Alumnae
- Art
- Biology
- Black History Month
- Careers
- Charity
- Chemistry
- Classics
- Computer Science
- Computing
- D of E
- Dance
- Development
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Drama
- Eco Squad
- Economics
- English
- Enrichment
- Exam Results
- Extra-curricular
- Food and Nutrition
- French
- Fundraising
- Gardening Club
- Geography
- German
- Hampton
- Hampton High
- Hampton ISSP
- History
- History of Art
- House
- Junior
- LEH Foshan
- Languages
- Life Advice
- Maths
- Mrs Hanbury
- Music
- Partnerships
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Politics
- Product Design
- Psychology
- Public Benefit
- RS
- Rowing
- Science
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Spanish
- Sport
- Spotlight on
- Team Building
- The Friends
- Volunteering
- Wellbeing
- Write the Girl
- Young Enterprise
LEH News
- French
- Languages
- Senior
On Tuesday 4th February, four pupils studying French in the Lower 6 travelled to St Paul’s Girls’ School to represent LEH in the in the Central London French Debating competition. LEH participants, Marie and Tilly give us their take on the event.
- Music
- Senior
Join us for a heartwarming evening of live music in support of Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham. The brilliant choirs of LEH will be performing a diverse range of songs, from the iconic sounds of Cole Porter and Leonard Cohen to the timeless classics of Queen. You’ll also enjoy music from the smash hit West End hot musical ,Operation Mincemeat.
- Senior
- Wellbeing
In this week's The Wellbeing Hub's is featuring a thought-provoking episode on the powerful link between self-esteem and social media with Tracy Moxley, Executive Director of Schools for New Century Education, as we delve into the impact of social media on mental wellbeing.
It has been a very busy and successful term for our various sports teams. Congratulations to all who have participated in activities and teams.
- Art
- History of Art
- Senior
Explore thought-provoking perspectives in the latest issue of our Art History magazine, The Arts Archive.
- Physics
- Senior
Our Lower Sixth Physics students visited the Kirkaldy Testing Works Museum recently.
- Senior
- Sport
First week back and our LEH sports teams have been out and about showing tremendous resilience and team work.
- Wellbeing
This week's The Wellbeing Hub blog tackles the issue of boundaries and why they matter to both children and their parents/carers.
- Senior
- Sport
Our sporting round-up for w/c/ 30 October 2024.
- Senior
- Sport
A fabulous week of sport on and off the field and courts.
- Sport
A fabulous week for our lacrosse and netball teams and a wonderful achievement from Thirds Pupil, Alice Bloch.
- Wellbeing
Introducing The Wellbeing Hub, an online platform developed by experts in child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing.
- Drama
- Hampton
LEH and Hampton School launch The Company, a new Drama initiative for Upper 5 - Upper 6 students.
- German
This summer our Upper 5 German students enjoyed an Exchange trip with Ellenrieder Gymnasium school students in Konstanz, city on Lake Constance (Bodensee), in southern Germany.
- Sport
A round-up of all our sporting activity this week and over summer.
- Music
Congratulations to Upper 6 student Emila Gahan on winning First Prize for being the most virtuosic and best performer in the New Talent Competition organised by the Royal Academy of Music.
- Exam Results
- Sixth Form
LEH Sixth Form students are celebrating top grades on 2024 A level results day.
- Junior
- Sport
We have reached the end of another action-packed academic year, and I am immensely proud of the wonderful achievements of both pupils and staff.
- Senior
- Sport
We have had an extremely busy summer term of sport and we would like to celebrate all our pupils who have participated and had great successes.
- Senior
The sun shone, the world of politics forgotten for a few hours, and we celebrated a year of learning, ambition, achievement and fun.
- Drama
- Enrichment
- French
- German
- Music
- Senior
- Spanish
Enrichment Week was its typically varied and welcome outlet for our pupils.
We ended another busy week with a fantastic Sports Day!
- Senior
- Sport
In our penultimate week of sport for this academic year, there has been some great successes in Athletics.
- Partnerships
On Wednesday LEH CCF capped off an amazing week of flying, having visited three airfields in eight days with a total of 24 flying slots! Our annual total is now close to 50 flying opportunities!
- Rowing
- Sixth Form
- Sport
Last weekend the Senior rowers were at Henley Women's Regatta - our penultimate race of the season and one of the most highly competitive regattas in the UK at Junior, University and Elite level.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
The sun was shining, the lines were freshly painted, and the atmosphere was electric!
- Junior
On Wednesday 12th June we waved goodbye to U2 pupils and teachers as they headed off to the Isle of Wight for three days of fun and excitement at Kingswood Activity Centre.
- Junior
- Sport
What a busy week it has been! To mark Clean Air Day on Monday, we had an informative and thought-provoking assembly with online guest speaker, Peter Littlewood from the Young People’s Trust for the Environment.
- Sixth Form
On Thursday 20th June LEH hosted its 3rd annual Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) Presentation Day.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
Finally a week filled with sunshine as we race towards today's Sports Day! A full round-up of Sports Day will follow next week.
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
Last weekend saw our LEH rowers take to the water again for the Reading Regatta, with great learning experiences for our younger crews as well as some great results!
- Computing
- Enrichment
I first found out about the Childnet film competition in September of Year 11 in form time. The short brief of ‘How to make the internet a better place’ was simple but interesting, it ventured many topics and ideas that I could cover.
- Enrichment
- Sixth Form
Congratulations to Willow in L6, who was Highly Commended in the OxBright Essay Competition 2024!
- Junior
- Sport
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of joining Mrs Chippendale and the L2 and U2 swimming teams, at the London Aquatic Centre for the IAPS national swimming finals.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
It has been a busy week for our tennis players due to rearranged games because of the poor British weather we have been experiencing. We have had some great results however.
- Senior
A successful translator does not just replicate the content in another language; they recreate the text in a way that feels original and natural in the target language, which requires an excellent command of both languages and strong writing skills.
- Eco Squad
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Thank you to everyone who participated in our first Green Day on Tuesday. Staff and pupils made efforts to wear green or animal print and some managed both!
- Junior
- Sport
I hope that you enjoyed the half-term, your daughters certainly seem well rested and full of energy for the last leg of the summer term!
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
National Schools Regatta held at Dorney Lake, Eton between 24th-26th May, is the biggest Junior rowing event of the year. Our rowers fought hard over three days of time trials, heats, semi-finals and finals against the very best rowers in the UK - and triumphed!
- Art
- Junior
The sun shone brightly for our Junior School Arts Festival on the Friday afternoon before half term. The Arts Festival is a community event and a testament to some very impressive teamwork!
On Friday May 24th LEH CCF was visited by Squadron Leader Eleanor (Ellie) Hoogewerf BSc RAF.
In January, the Thirds and L4 had the opportunity to audition for the Middle School musical, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
- Junior
- Sport
Welcome to our Arts Festival celebration week! It has been an exciting time, with pupils, teachers, and teaching assistants working hard to prepare for today’s big event.
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sport
Last Saturday, two J14 quads travelled to Thames Ditton Regatta by rowing to the event from the Millennium boat house.
- Senior
- Sport
Despite the rain, we have had a great week of summer fixtures in the run up to half term.
- Drama
- Partnerships
- Public Benefit
- Senior
The L4 cast of ‘MythBusters’, this year’s Theatre in Education Tour have been performing around local primary schools this week.
- Drama
- Senior
This year's U4/L5 play, 'The Trials', placed the audience in a 'hot-spot', often squirming uncomfortably in our seats as we were fast-forwarded to the world '2040' to watch just how the effects of how we currently live our lives will impact the environment.
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sport
On Sunday, the 19th of May, nine J13 crews travelled to Maidenhead Regatta. As it was our first regatta no one really knew what to expect, but the atmosphere on land was amazing.
- Junior
- Sport
Welcome to this week’s newsletter. It has been an eventful week, with Upper 2 pupils actively exploring the local area on their bikes while learning important road safety rules.
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sport
A beautiful sunny day on the picturesque river at Bedford was a great setting for the Bedford Regatta last Saturday.
- Fundraising
- Senior
- Sport
A great week of sport in the sunshine starting with our annual parent and child tennis tournament raising money for the LEH Bursary Fund.
- Sixth Form
On Friday, 10th May we said goodbye in style to our U6 year group as they head towards their A level examinations via the annual U6 Graduation Ceremony.
- Computer Science
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Last week, we had the privilege of taking our future GCSE Computer Scientists from Upper 4 and budding Lower 6 on an exciting excursion to Bletchley and The National Museum of Computing.
- Junior
- Senior
- Sixth Form
LEH has launched a new initiative that aims to help parents understand more about the science behind teaching and learning.
- Junior
- Sport
Beyond the classroom, pupils have been busy outdoors, enjoying clubs and sports, and making the most of the sunshine. Long may it last!
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sport
On Bank holiday Monday, our J14 rowers braved the elements at Dorney Lake for the Junior Sculling Regatta.
- Music
- Senior
The Midsummer concert 2024 was an uplifting concert of high-quality music from our younger performers, plus a hugely entertaining L6 a cappella group singing CeeLo Green - with moves previously unseen at LEH...
- Senior
- Sport
A beautiful week of summer sports in the sunshine this week!
- Hampton
- Sixth Form
On Friday 3rd May, the Lower Sixth escaped on a wholesome leadership weekend in the New Forest, anticipating two days of constant rain.
- Dance
- Hampton ISSP
- Senior
This week four of our students were fortunate to spend the day at ISSP Dance Day which was run by the Rambert Dance School.
- Maths
- Senior
On Tuesday the 7th of May, four students from L4 and U4 went to Wilson’s School in South London to participate in the UKMT Junior Maths Team Challenge.
- Classics
- Senior
On Wednesday 8th May 2024, we went to the Ashmolean Museum, in Oxford, where we were met with a fantastic talk about the Romans and how they would have led their lives.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
On Friday 26th April, our annual Sports Awards Dinner took place with our current U5, L6 and U6 sports students attending, as well as our invited U6 parents.
- Junior
- Sport
This week, we had a very special visitor in school. Pupils and staff were fortunate to have the opportunity to hear from adventurer Anna McNuff.
- Music
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Well it's always a difficult concert, this one, because we have to say farewell to our stunning Upper Sixth musicians, who have delighted us and been part of our lives for many years.
- Senior
- Sport
Despite the rainy weather we have managed to fulfil most of our tennis and athletics fixtures this week with some excellent results overall.
- Junior
- Sport
We kicked off our Earth Day celebrations in vibrant style with a green-themed non-uniform day on Monday.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
It was fantastic to get our tennis season underway this week with our first competitive matches.
- Sixth Form
- Young Enterprise
Last night our Young Enterprise Teams, SHEild and Eclipse took past in the Richmond Show Case at St Paul’s School.
- Hampton
During Easter, the LEH-Hampton Robotics team participated in the 2024 Student Robotics competition, held in Southampton.
- Computer Science
The Perse Coding Team Challenge’s second round was a showcase of computational prowess and collaborative spirit. Four trios, drawn from the ranks of U4, L5, and U5, engaged in a friendly yet fierce competition to solve complex coding challenges.
- Senior
- Sport
We are excited for the Summer Term and seeing our LEH students participating and competing in Athletics, Tennis and Cricket. We are also hoping for some sunshine!
- Physics
- Sixth Form
LEH is the first UK school to take a group of students to visit the amazing Virgo Interferometer.
- History of Art
- Sixth Form
At the start of the Easter break, the Art History Department received some very exciting news from Art History Abroad, who run cultural travel courses in Italy and beyond for students and adults.
- Art
- Sixth Form
Over the past term, we have been learning about the artistic history of St Ives and, at the start of the Easter holidays, were able to find out for ourselves what drew so many artists to Cornwall c.1945.
- D of E
- Sixth Form
The Easter break saw us run three Duke of Edinburgh expeditions: Training and practice expeditions for Gold sea kayaking and walking in Pembrokeshire and the Brecon Beacons and a qualifying walking expedition for our silver participants.
- Rowing
- Sport
Over the Easter holidays, the J15, J16, and Senior rowing squads went on a nine-day rowing camp to Sabaudia in Italy.
- Enrichment
- French
During the Easter holidays, 13 pupils went to Paris to reunite with our French exchanges after their visit to London, just 10 days before.
- Careers
- Sixth Form
On Thursday 21st March 30 LEH Sixth Formers attended the Female Lead’s ‘Inspiring Careers of the Future’ event, in conjunction with GCHQ.
- History
- Sixth Form
At the start of the Easter break, the LEH Lower and Upper Sixth History students set off for a trip to Paris to visit some sites of the French Revolution, as well as other landmarks around the city.
- Junior
- Sport
This term has been a whirlwind of activities and memorable highlights.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
We have had another very busy and successful week of sport at LEH – our feet haven’t touched the ground! Our pupils across the school have had a brilliant term of sport and we are really pleased with all their efforts and commitment to make it a successful season overall.
- Classics
- Senior
- Sixth Form
On Wednesday night, LEH hosted their first ever Classics Society Dinner with Hampton School.
- Music
- Senior
- Sixth Form
We were delighted to welcome the big band from Riverdale Country School in New York.
- Drama
- Senior
On Tuesday 12th March four of our L4 students competed in the second heat of the English Speaking Union’s Performing Shakespeare Competition.
- Maths
- Senior
Last week, Thursday 14th March, the Mathematics Department celebrated Pi-Day.
- Music
- Senior
- Sixth Form
The art of chamber music is a mysterious one.
- History of Art
- Sixth Form
The History of Art department have had a very exciting time recently as Mo (U6), having been selected to go through to the Articulation London Final.
Six enthusiastic delegates attended the country’s largest MUN conference over the weekend at Haileybury College representing the delegation of Ukraine.
- Enrichment
On Friday the 8th of March, LEH celebrated International Women's Day in full force and a sea of purple.
- Hampton
- Music
On Saturday we were treated to the annual LEH and Hampton Joint Choral Society Concert.
- Junior
- Sport
To celebrate the start of Science Week, we had the pleasure of hosting artist Rory McCann, known for his dedication to art and wildlife conservation.
- Hampton
- Hampton High
- Senior
Last Thursday, I was delighted to be one of eight cadets who were selected to fly a two-seater Grob Tutor aircraft at RAF Benson, an active RAF base.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
We have had another very busy week of sport at LEH with some fantastic results in various sports, highlighting our talented students!
- English
Dr David James, LEH’s Deputy Head, was excited to attend the launch of his new book this week.
- Drama
- Junior
Just after Half Term, the U2s came over to the Jane Ross Theatre for their Production Week to work on ‘The Wizard of Oz’.
- Enrichment
- Senior
A few weeks ago we announced the three finalists from the Martindale Essay Competition. It gives me great pleasure to announce that this year’s winner of this competition.
- Alumnae
- Art
- Sixth Form
In the evening on Tuesday 5th March the Art Department hosted a fascinating Art & Architecture Alumnae Talk.
- Music
- Senior
The Rock, Pop & Jazz Concert is always a highlight of the school year and this year lived up to expectations.
- Sixth Form
- Young Enterprise
Our two Young Enterprise businesses are award winning!
We have enjoyed a week of celebration, marked by several significant events including National Careers Week, World Book Day, and International Women's Day.
- Careers
- Senior
- Sixth Form
In celebration of National Careers Week the whole school were engaged in careers-related activities this week.
- Sport
A very busy week on the Netball courts with some great results!
- History of Art
- Sixth Form
On Tuesday night, the Spoke Art Documentary Competition hosted the Awards Ceremony for their 2024 Prize at the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art. Among the 60 films submitted this year, an impressive six L6 LEH students made the shortlist.
- Careers
- Food and Nutrition
Anna Haugh, celebrity chef and restaurateur, delivered an inspiring lunchtime talk to students from all year groups on Monday.
- Sixth Form
On Tuesday, we went to Tonbridge School to compete in the National Spanish Debating Competition.
- Biology
- Sixth Form
On Wednesday 28th February, ten Biology students from L6 went to Royal Holloway (University of London) to learn about Rare Diseases.
- Politics
- Senior
LEH was one of 11 schools taking part in the annual Epsom College MUN Conference on Saturday 2nd March.
- Senior
On Thursday, we (U4 Textiles classes) went on a school trip to the V&A museum where we worked on fashion design inspired by things we saw in the gallery.
- Junior
- Sport
With spring around the corner, we are excited to announce this year's Arts Festival theme: ‘Wild About My World.’ The Arts Festival takes place on Friday 24 May and promises a fantastic showcase of art, music, drama, and poetry.
- Senior
- Sport
This week has been a busy week in the PE department and we have had much success with a variety of our teams.
- Senior
- Sport
At half term we took 45 students to Bardonecchia, Italy on our annual Ski Trip.
- Biology
- Sixth Form
In February, some LEH Sixth Form students competed in the British Biology Olympiad.
- Sixth Form
- Young Enterprise
This year we are lucky enough to have over 40 students taking part in Young Enterprise at LEH.
- Junior
- Senior
Well over a hundred students from LEH and Hampton School set up stalls, displayed posters and operated machinery to the edification and delight of hundreds more of their peers for this year's STEM Fair.
- Junior
- Sport
Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed the half-term.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
We have had a great week back after half term with fixtures and we also have some fantastic individual sporting success to highlight!
- Partnerships
- Public Benefit
- Senior
32 Cadets from LEH CCF were trained on the L98 A2 Cadet Rifle at RAF Northolt on the 17th and 18th of February.
L5 & L6 Drama students were treated to a joint Hampton and LEH workshop by industry leading Splendid Theatre Company, who create challenging, entertaining, politically engaged theatre for young audiences.
- Careers
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Over three quarters of the delegates at the bustling, well-attended annual Careers Evening at the end of January were former pupils returning to LEH to talk to current students about life after School.
- Music
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Cabaret Fever has come to LEH once more!
- Junior
- Sport
There has been a wonderful balance of exciting and calming activities this week for Children’s Mental Health Week, from our Global Play Day afternoon, Mindfulness through Movement workshops, Anti-bullying workshops and our author visit from Cath Howe.
- Senior
- Sport
A very busy week of sport in the run up to half term with some great performances, both individual and team.
- Rowing
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
On February 3rd, LEHBC rowing crews participated in Hampton Head, one of the most prestigious events of the spring rowing calendar.
- Hampton
- Hampton High
- Public Benefit
- Senior
On Thursday February 1st, eight cadets had an amazing opportunity to fly Grob Tutors at Benson RAF base.
- Senior
L4 students enjoyed a day out to explore Neasden Mandir and Southall Gurdwara with the PRE Department.
- Junior
- Sport
In the Junior School, we pride ourselves on an exciting enrichment programme that includes trips, workshops, guest speakers and regular competitions.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
We have had another busy week of sport at LEH with some brilliant results and personal achievements as well as many students participating in their chosen sports.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
This past weekend LEH hosted our 15th annual LEHMUN conference, with five other schools in attendance and 32 delegations overall.
- Drama
- Sixth Form
On Monday 29th January the U6 Director’s Ariana & Sophie produced their performance of Buckets by Adam Barnard.
- French
- Senior
This Wednesday, U4 French students from LEH and Hampton were treated to a French play: Le Cours d’Art.
- History of Art
- Sixth Form
We are delighted to announce that Mo (U6) has been selected to go through to the Articulation London Final.
- Computer Science
- Sixth Form
Our L6 students shone at a recent tech day in Horsham dedicated to enhancing their build for the upcoming April Student Robotics Competition.
- Computer Science
- Junior
- Senior
79 intrepid programmers, spanning all key stages and including eight Juniors, fearlessly embraced the Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC).
- Junior
- Sport
I was delighted to meet with representatives from the School Council this week for an update on their proposals for the year.
- Senior
Monday 22nd January saw the arrival of over 60 Year 9 linguists from our ISSP partner schools.
- French
- Sixth Form
Tuesday evening was filled with fascinating French debate, when we attended the Regional French Debating Competition at St Paul’s Girls' School.
- Senior
- Sport
An action-packed week of sports events for all our athletes.
- Charity
- Senior
The Thirds disco was a fantastic fundraising event for the school charity, SPEAR.
- Junior
- Sport
Congratulations to L2E on a fabulous family assembly this morning.
- Senior
- Sport
It's been a chilly start back to sports this week.
- Junior
Welcome to the Spring term 2024!
- History of Art
- Sixth Form
We are really excited to share with you the inaugural edition of ‘The Arts Archive’ – a History of Art magazine created and written in its entirety by a group of L6 students.
- Life Advice
- Wellbeing
LEH has joined forces with other leading schools to call for urgent action to tackle the growing mental health crisis facing schools in the UK.
- Drama
- Senior
- Write the Girl
On 7th December, LEH Drama Department hosted an inspiring afternoon of collaboration between schools and playwrights as part of its Write the Girl scheme to boost the number of original plays with strong female roles.
- Junior
- Sport
Thank you to all our pupils and staff for a beautiful Junior School Carol Service today.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
A festive week for the Sports Department...
- Senior
- Sixth Form
LEH CCF had the fantastic opportunity to participate in the Royal Air Squadron Trophy competition this year.
- Computer Science
- Junior
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Our students have once again showcased their exceptional computational thinking abilities in the Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge. This year's competition was a resounding success, and we are thrilled to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our pupils.
- Alumnae
- Music
The perfect start to the Christmas season: heavenly heart-lifting music, moving words telling the story of the nativity, mince pies and mulled wine shared with friends - the Alumnae Carol Service had it all.
- Computer Science
- Senior
We've witnessed an electrifying display of skill and tenacity in the CyberFirst Girls competition, where five of our elite white-hat hacker teams stepped into the arena. And what a spectacle they gave us!
- Junior
- Senior
- Sport
A huge congratulations to all students who performed at the annual LEH Gymnastics display this year.
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Hampton ISSP
- Physics
- Science
- Senior
On Tuesday 14th November 2023, eight U4 LEH students attended an ISSP Science Day hosted by Hampton School.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Another successful and enjoyable day was had by all 27 enthusiastic LEH pupils, debating with great ardour, confidence and diplomacy at Benenden School's MUN Conference on Monday, 4th December.
- Junior
- Sport
The Friends and their merry helpers organised a fabulous array of stalls, entertainment and activities and I was delighted to see so many Junior School pupils and parents, enjoying the festivities.
- Music
- Senior
LEH CCF took part in the London District Band Initiative, bringing together musicians from different contingents and services.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
After a return to the 80s at Wednesday's Gym Display, we had a chilly day for South Schools Tournament taking place on frosty pitches on Thursday.
- Senior
LEH Cadets made history, being the first from the contingent to be invited on an Air Experience Flight!
- Music
- Senior
- Sixth Form
Hollywood hit LEH on Wednesday with our spectacular Night at the Movies Concert!!
- Junior
Well done to U2E for a lovely family assembly this morning.
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
A very busy week on the Netball courts...
- History
- Senior
In mid-November, students in the U4 visited the First World War battlefields in Belgium and France. We have just started learning about the First World War in our history lessons, so we were excited to see some famous sites associated to the war, famous for its futility and brutality.
- Drama
- Eco Squad
- Life Advice
- Sixth Form
This week the L6 Life Advice session was led by Drama and Eco Squad representatives to begin a conversation on sustainable period products.
- LEH Foshan
- Mrs Hanbury
LEH Foshan has been open to pupils since September 2020, but until this term, there was no opportunity to celebrate the opening of this fabulous new school.
- Hampton
- Hampton ISSP
- Partnerships
- Public Benefit
On Friday the 17th of November, LEH had the privilege of hosting students from three local schools for a taster session of what a Model United Nations conference would look like, under the ISSP (Independent State School Partnership) programme.
- Junior
- Sport
Welcome to this week’s Friday newsletter - what a busy week it has been!
- Senior
- Sixth Form
- Sport
A busy week in the Sports Dept which saw action in Lacrosse, Netball, Badminton and Cross Country.
- Partnerships
This Remembrance Day, Saturday 11th November, 27 cadets and three staff members from our LEH CCF contingent travelled to Central London to participate in the annual Lord Mayor’s Show.
- History
- Senior
From the 2nd -5th November, U5 History students had the great opportunity to visit Berlin to enrich our knowledge of the Cold War and the Rise of the Nazi Party, core elements of our GCSE course.
- Psychology
- Sixth Form
During the October half term, L6 and U6 Psychology students visited the city of Vienna.
- Enrichment
- Senior
During Autumn half term, a group of Upper Fifth Spanish students travelled to the city of Salamanca to improve our understanding of Spanish language and culture.