Contact Us

LEH Senior School

Lady Eleanor Holles
Hanworth Road
Hampton TW12 3HF
Tel: 020 8979 1601

Click here for details about location and transport


You can report an absence through the 'Let us Know' button on the Parent Portal, or by telephone 0208 979 1601 and press 1 or via email

LEH Junior School

LEH Junior School
Burlington House
177 Uxbridge Road, Hampton TW12 1BD
Tel: 020 8979 2173

Click here for details about location and transport


You can report an absence through the 'Let us Know' button on the Parent Portal, or by telephone 0208 979 2173 and please leave a message if there is no answer or by via email.

The Millennium Boat House

Lower Sunbury Road, Hampton. TW12 2ES
Click here for details about location

Sports Fixtures

To access Sports Fixtures click here.

Contact Us - Admissions, communications and development

We would be pleased to answer any enquiries you may have.  Please select from the list below:

Aerial shot of LEH School Hampton